Thursday, September 9, 2010


Love, where have you been all my life
You were always worth the wait
How quickly life can sweep away…

So I enjoy every second of this sitcom
I’ll be a cross between Earl and Joy and maybe you can be Larry David.
Whoever said adult content didn’t equate to higher ratings…

Love, where have you been all my life
You were always worth the wait
How quickly life can sweep away…

Unbeknownst to you, I watched you sleep last night, just to make sure you are safe
One hand under the pillow, on my flashlight just in case…
If the monsters come out, I'll scare them all away.

Love, where have you been all my life
You were always worth the wait
How quickly life can sweep away…

Hand in hand we float, on clouds of dreams, with only thought have become reality.
Time speaks no words, as we race, tripping over laughter and the occasional shoe lace.
I always feel you with me, no matter how distanced by states.

Love, where have you been all my life
You were always worth the wait
How quickly life can sweep away
so I plan to always stay…